Mindset Assessment


The Individual Mindset Assessment rates your own mindset on an inward-outward continuum. It includes 10 statements. Please rate the extent to which each statement applies to you (0 = Never, 10 = Always).

1. I have a clear and complete understanding of my manager's goals and objectives.
2. I can accurately write the top three goals and objectives of my key coworkers.
3. I carefully consider how my daily activities contribute to the overall strategic goals of the organisation.
4. I regularly check in with my coworkers to make sure my efforts are helpful to them.
5. Before taking action, I actively seek out the opinions of those who would be affected by my decisions.
6. My coworkers would say that I generously share information and resources with them.
7. I regularly report to my manager on my failures and plans to improve.
8. I worry about what people at work are thinking about me.
9. I feel like I get the credit and recognition I deserve.
10. When others disagree with me, I carefully consider their suggestions.


The Organisational Mindset Assessment rates your organisation’s mindset on an inward-outward continuum. It includes 10 statements. Based on your own perceptions, please rate the extent to which each statement applies to your organisation (0 = Never, 10 = Always).

11. Individuals in my organisation feel as though they are fully recognised for their ideas and contributions.
12. People in my organisation check in with their coworkers to make sure their efforts are helpful to them.
13. People in my organisation have a good understanding of each other's goals and objectives.
14. The people in my organisation spend a lot of time and energy dealing with things that are going wrong.
15. People in my organisation feel empowered to make decisions.
16. Helpful performance conversations happen regularly in my organisation.
17. People in my organisation regularly take initiative to report on their failures and plans to improve.
18. People in my organisation feel safe giving constructive criticism and expressing their opinions openly.
19. People in my organisation feel as though management understands and responds helpfully to their concerns.
20. People in my organisation feel that too often meetings are burdensome rather than helpful.

The following information is required to submit your assessment. A report of your results will be emailed to the address you provide below.

First Name:
Last Name:
Company Email: